Imagine that you opened a restaurant, and for some reason all your friends decided that now you can always eat there and drink expensive wines for free. At the same time, you would be happy to treat your friends for free, but your business is so bad that the income is barely enough to pay for electricity.
Many thanks to all subscribers of the site! It is only thanks to you that it still exists.
Many thanks to all subscribers of the site! It is only thanks to you that it still exists.
Welcome to Carabidae of the World project htttp:// it is a constantly updated taxonomic database with about 100 international contributors and participants, more 20.000 high resolution images of more then 15000 species of ground beetles for around the world!
Circular cladogram representing the maximum likelihood phylogeny inferred in IQ-TREE using the Comp_DT dataset comprising nine gene fragments and about 11kb of molecular data. The branch lengths have been modified to ease the visualization of relationships
between subfamilies within Carabidae (image from H. Gough, 2020)
between subfamilies within Carabidae (image from H. Gough, 2020)
Dear Friends, Colleagues, Contributors and Visitors! I wish you Merry X-mas and happy new year of the Rabbit 2023!
Sincerely, Alexander
Sincerely, Alexander
Dear Friends, Colleagues, Contributors and Visitors! I wish you Merry X-mas and happy new year of the Tiger 2022!
Sincerely, Alexander
Sincerely, Alexander
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. Albert Einstein
TARRIER (M.), 2021. – Nouvelles sous-espèces de France et d’Espagne du genre Carabus L., 1758 (Coleoptera, Carabidae)- Paru le 29 juin 2021 - Issued on June 29, 2021
Descriptions of nineteen new subspecies in the genus Carabus L., 1758, from
France and Spain: Carabus (Ctenocarabus) melancholicus tietarensis n. subsp., C.
(Oreocarabus) guadarramus hirschfelderi n. subsp., C. (Oreocarabus) guadarramus
sagranus n. subsp., C. (Mesocarabus) lusitanicus problematicoides n. subsp., C. (s. str.)
deyrollei neoreductus n. subsp., C. (Archicarabus) pseudomonticola hispanicola n. subsp.,
C. (Archicarabus) nemoralis litigiosus n. subsp., C. (Archicarabus) nemoralis
montisdiniensis n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri devillei n. subsp., C.
(Chrysocarabus) solieri strobinoi n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri teillonensis n.
subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri axiomorphus n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri piezus n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri dujardini n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus)
solieri rouyricus n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) lateralis subsalmantinus n. subsp., C.
(Chrysocarabus) lateralis sanabriensis n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) lateralis opulentior
n. subsp., C. (Macrothorax) rugosus baeticoides n. subsp.
TARRIER (M.), 2021. – Nouvelles sous-espèces de France et d’Espagne du genre Carabus L., 1758 (Coleoptera, Carabidae)- Paru le 29 juin 2021 - Issued on June 29, 2021
Descriptions of nineteen new subspecies in the genus Carabus L., 1758, from
France and Spain: Carabus (Ctenocarabus) melancholicus tietarensis n. subsp., C.
(Oreocarabus) guadarramus hirschfelderi n. subsp., C. (Oreocarabus) guadarramus
sagranus n. subsp., C. (Mesocarabus) lusitanicus problematicoides n. subsp., C. (s. str.)
deyrollei neoreductus n. subsp., C. (Archicarabus) pseudomonticola hispanicola n. subsp.,
C. (Archicarabus) nemoralis litigiosus n. subsp., C. (Archicarabus) nemoralis
montisdiniensis n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri devillei n. subsp., C.
(Chrysocarabus) solieri strobinoi n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri teillonensis n.
subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri axiomorphus n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri piezus n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) solieri dujardini n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus)
solieri rouyricus n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) lateralis subsalmantinus n. subsp., C.
(Chrysocarabus) lateralis sanabriensis n. subsp., C. (Chrysocarabus) lateralis opulentior
n. subsp., C. (Macrothorax) rugosus baeticoides n. subsp.
Stop describing fake species!
Under each stone does not live another species new to science.
If you follow the logic of some "specialists", then Homo sapiens can be divided into several species, and dogs into several genera.
Under each stone does not live another species new to science.
If you follow the logic of some "specialists", then Homo sapiens can be divided into several species, and dogs into several genera.
Dear Friends, Colleagues, Contributors and Visitors! I wish you Merry X-mas and happy new year 2021!
Sincerely, Alexander
Sincerely, Alexander
Recently was published excellent paper of Fominykh, Zamotajlov, Khomitskiy & Titarenko, 2020 "Contribution to the knowledge of Carabus (Lipaster) stjernvalli Mannerheim, 1830 in the Caucasus, with description of two new subspecies (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Carabini)", "dedicated to study of variability of species Carabus (Lipaster) stjernvalli", although, in fact, the sole purpose of the work was to describe new taxa in order to sell their Paratypes.
But, this work perfectly proves that there are no differences between the previously described subspecies, as well as the newly described ones. New synonymy in the species Carabus (Lipaster) stjernvalli proposed here 12.2.2020 by A. Anichtchenko
But, this work perfectly proves that there are no differences between the previously described subspecies, as well as the newly described ones. New synonymy in the species Carabus (Lipaster) stjernvalli proposed here 12.2.2020 by A. Anichtchenko
I'm looking for Cicindelinae (especially Nearctic and Australian), Cychrini (Nearctic and from China) and Carabus from China. Quality of material is not important. For exchange I can offer huge quantity of material of Coleoptera worldwide, of all families except Carabidae. For detales please contact Alexander Anichtchenko beetl2000(*)