Carabidae Carabidae of the World

Occam's razor

Published: 02 August 2018 12:44Category: Our news0 commentsPublished by:
It is desirable for each taxonomist to follow the rule of Occam's razor: "Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity" (Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate). The purpose of Taxonomy-science is to understand and restore order, and not to describe as many new species as possible.

Happy New Year of the Yellow Dog!

Published: 23 December 2017 10:59Category: Our news0 commentsPublished by:
Happy New Year of the Yellow Dog!

Site and database software

Published: 09 August 2017 18:32Category: Our news0 commentsPublished by:
Interested in creating a similar site, you can purchase this software shell. It was specially developed by us to create a zoological database. Thank you for your interest!

Dear Colleagues and Visitors

Published: 02 April 2017 20:33Category: Our news2 commentsPublished by:
Dear Colleagues and Visitors
Maintaining and updating the site requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, we are forced to introduce a partially paid access. We expect that the costs will not be too burdensome for you, and your money will help us in the development of interactive keys, and more dynamic updates of the site.

1 year subscription for only €50
Hope for your understanding and thank you for continuing interest
P.S. Expand image to actual size press (F)

Happy New Year of the Red Rooster!

Published: 21 December 2016 23:29Category: Our news0 commentsPublished by:
Happy New Year of the Red Rooster!

Distribution map of Carabus rutilans complex

Published: 07 July 2016 13:22Category: Our news0 commentsPublished by:
Distribution map of Carabus rutilans complex
Distribution map of Carabus rutilans complex

Distribution map of Mesocarabus lusitanicus complex

Published: 25 January 2016 14:05Category: Our news1 commentPublished by:
Distribution map of Mesocarabus lusitanicus complex
Distribution map of Mesocarabus lusitanicus complex

Happy New Year

Published: 25 December 2015 12:09Category: Our news0 commentsPublished by:
Happy New Year

Two new species of Pterostichus Bonelli subgenus Pseudoferonina Ball (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterost

Published: 26 July 2011 19:04Category: Contribute0 commentsPublished by: Jean-Pierre Lebel; jp.leb
Two new species of Pterostichus Bonelli subgenus Pseudoferonina Ball, are described from the mountains
of central Idaho: Pterostichus bousqueti Bergdahl [type locality = small tributaries of South Fork of Payette
River watershed, ca. 1170 m (3840 ft), 44.0675°/-115.6822°, near Lowman, Salmon River Mountains,
Boise County, Idaho, U.S.A.] and Pterostichus lolo Bergdahl [type locality = Cottonwood/Orogrande
Creek, ca. 870 m (2850 ft), 46.5528°/-115.5522°, North Fork of Clearwater River watershed, Clearwater
Mountains, near Bungalow, Clearwater County, Idaho, U.S.A.]. Males of P. bousqueti and P. lolo are easily
distinguished from each other and the seven previously described Pseudoferonina species by the form of the
median lobe of the aedeagus, and from most individuals of the other species of Pseudoferonina in Idaho by
features of pronotal shape and macrosculpture. Both species appear to be obligate ripicolous hygrophiles,
restricted in distribution primarily to the margins of small montane streams in forested areas. Widespread
intensive stream surveys for Pseudoferonina over many years indicate the geographic ranges of both species
are highly localized, and additional undescribed species may occur in Idaho.
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